This was the dough rolled into two logs pre-baking . . .Here are the logs post-first-baking . . . Here are the biscotti post-second-baking and cutting...
Brookies are the ultimate treat for indecisive dessert lovers! A perfect
combination of rich, fudgy brownies and soft, chewy chocolate chip cookies,
22 hours ago
Those look perfectly brown and crispy. I agree - I think a lot of people would pick anything over a commercially made biscotti, but homemade is just fabulous.
Yours look way better than mine! They were good weren't they? :)
Yours look perfect! I was kind of doubtful about this recipe too, but they ended up delicious.
You did an awesome job! I don't know how mine managed to spread so much!
yeah, of all the recipes, this one was written the most strangely. marching band? really, dorie? still, they're so so good. yours look wonderful!
Isn't it funny that way: the recipes we think we will not be crazy about we love, and the ones we sometimes are excited for we are let down....I am a much bigger fan of biscotti since baking these!
By the way, I loved the Operation: Torch & Butane story! I think I have you to thank for Dorie--Cathy got me into it, because I believe YOU got her into it! So thank you!!
Mine looked nice and plump like that until I took them out of the oven to check them and then put them back in. They must have fallen and couldn't get up! Yours look GREAT and tasted great too. Thanks for sharing.
Yours looks PERFECT and I can't believe that I didn't come find you yesterday to get one -- rumor had it that you brought them! I totally agree with you -- these were amazing. And you really never know what the hits will be in Dorieland. Who would have thought that I would love these biscotti far more than the caramel peanut topped brownie cake?
great job on the biscotti, they look perfect and golden! glad you liked them, i was pleasantly surprised too :)
I have to agree... these are probably my favorite thing we have made so far! yours look great!
Yours look delicious! I was like you at first and then with one taste--Yum!
Wow! Your biscotti look great. Isn't it funny how we think things are much harder than they actually are??
So golden! Nice job. I wasn't excited about these either, but WOW.
Ha! You sound JUST like me. I'm not a big biscotti fan but this recipe changed my mind! My father in law and I have been munching on them all morning LOL
I'm glad you liked them. They're so much better homemade!
Your biscotti look great; I hope your DH liked them also. Definately will make a double batch next time!
So glad you did make these and found them not too difficult. Yours look terrific!
A big surprise all around, it sounds like. Loved the biscotti and glad you did as well. Yours looks delish!
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